sell cut rock

sell cut rock




    What is Cut rock?
HOW DO YOU USE Cut rock?
WHO CAN USE Cut rock?
Usage Tips

What is Cut rock?

Cut rock is a highly expansive mortar to demolish and cut rocks and concretes. Cut rock swells when poured into a
hole and develops a pressure higher than 7500 t/m2 on the hole walls, thereby breaking them open. Cut rock is environmentally friendly because it releases no toxic fumes or harmful substances of any kind.
It is non-explosive, therefore supervision of trained personnel is not essential. Cut rock storage requires no special precautions, provided  the containers are not tampered with and are kept in a dry place. The product is not sensitive to electrical discharges or currents.

is a non-explosive demolition agent.

 Demolition, rock breaking & concrete cutting can easily be incorporated into a work schedule.
 is poured into the same hole that dangerous explosives are usually placed.
 is safe where large equipment cannot reach, where explosives cannot be used due to vibration, proximity to buildings & dust contamination is out of the  question.
 does more work safely, providing controlled, expansive cracking.
 can be used to achieve perfect slabs & blocks of granite, limestone, sandstone, marble or whatever you are working with.
 makes clean-up on the job site safer, faster & easier to stay within Environmental & Local Health & Safety Authority\’s Regulations.
 environmental advantages are obvious:

  • little clean-up
  • dissolves in water after use
  • no chemical residue
  • no gaseous fumes.


Some Quick Facts About Cut rock

Non-Explosive Demolition Agents are highly expansive powder compositions for stone breaking, granite and marble quarrying, concrete cutting and demolition. Non-Explosive Demolition Agents are safe, environment friendly and a good and viable alternative to explosives and other traditional methods of quarrying and demolition.


Cut rock can be used in an almost unlimited range of applications and particularly to break, cut, or demolish rocks, concrete and reinforced concrete when explosives cannot be used for safety reasons. It is ideal for use in situations where surrounding buildings or other structures would be damaged by flying debris or shock waves. It maximises production time, product output and therefore profits, in quarrying and mining as it avoids ore loss or dispertion. There is no need for shaft or pit evacuation during blasting.

sell cut rock


Cut rock is a powder that must be thoroughly mixed with clean water before use, in a ratio of 30% of the overall weight. Put the required amount of water into a large container (1.5 litres for each 4.5 kg package), gradually add the powder to water stirring all the time to obtain a smooth, lump-free mortar. Pour the mortar into the prepared holes within 5 to 10 minutes. Slope horizontal holes to allow an easy pouring of Cut rock (should some of the mortar leak out of a hole, stop it with a piece of soft sponge). Do not plug the holes. Cover them only in the event of rain using a waterproof sheet. The holes must be perfectly dry before pouring in the mortar. If there is heavy leaking, slits or cracks it is advisable to place a polyethylene sheath into the hole and before filling it with the mortar.
The distance between the holes varies depending on the size of the hole (from 32 mm diam. to 50 mm diam.) and the type of material to be demolished or cut.


Cut rock can be used on any type of rock formation, concrete, reinforced concrete or tiled structure in:
• excavating foundations;
• levelling rocks for road works;
• excavating trenches for pipe-laying;
• underground excavations;
• marine and submarine excavations;
• removing boulders;
• demolition of concrete or reinforced concrete poles, towers, walls, wharves, etc.;
• demolition of foundations;
• demolition of breakwaters/jetties;
• demolition of tiled and refractory structures.
Cut rock provides the most technically suitable and cost-effective solution in:
• restricted demolition of rock and concrete structures where nearby structures must be protected from shock waves generated by explosions;
• pre-splitting of rock formations, to create isolated blocks that can then be more easily demolished;
• cutting blocks of marble and granite more economically than with the traditional helicoidal wire-cutting method;
• excavations and demolition of rock formations or cement/concrete structures where the use of explosives would be expensive due to long operating times, special transport, storage and handling precautions and the need to comply with public safety regulations.

sell cut rock

WHO CAN USE Cut rock

Anyone can use it, in any situations, because Cut rock is perfectly safe, soundless and non-hazardous. It does not leave debris or dust,
nor does it form gas or cause any shock waves.
Unlike explosives, no permit is required to use Cut rock Unskilled labour can be very easily trained to use Cut rock in a short time.
Demolition or cutting operations using Cut rock can be interrupted at any time; simply remove the product from the
hole by boring another hole into the existing one.

Mixing is not necessary thereby eliminating the possibility of using the wrong amount of water, since it will only absorb the required amount . It can be used anywhere without taking special measures (i.g. roofs or wall holes). Reaction time is quicker, therefore it demolishes or cuts faster.

sell cut rock

Drill holes using an air hammer drill and appropriate drill bit specific to the rock type.
Holes should be drilled no further than 30-60cm (1ft-2ft) apart. Note: In reinforced concrete recommended no more than 20cm (8”) apart.
Recommended hole diameter 38mm – 50mm (1 ½\\\\\\\” – 2.0\\\\\\\”). Depth would be 70-90% of the way depending on the type of rock/material to be removed.


For regular safety reasons and mixing small amounts by hand, it is recommended to use rubber gloves.
In a bucket, combine 1.5 Liters of water to one 5kgs bag of Cut rock. Or pour water and Cut rock as a rate of 1:3 units by weight.
Mix well, using a drill and paddle is recommended. If mixing with a stick or other method, make sure powder is completely dissolved into the water. Mix to a slurry.

sell cut rock


Clean holes before filling using air hose remove excess dust from drilling.
Cut rock slurry should be poured into holes within 10-15 min. after mixing. Do not fill to the top, only fill the holes about 15mm (½” to 1”) from the top.
Mix well and pour into holes while agitating the hole to make sure no air gaps are in the hole. Example: Using a piece of rod or stick to poke holes.
For Horizontal holes, a grouting pump would be most reliable to poor.


sell cut rock


Keep your face away from the hole during the first 2-3 hours as the product might (though highly unlikely) eject from the hole violently
(\\\\\\\”blow-out\\\\\\\”) if instructions have not been followed correctly. Goggles and rubber gloves should be worn as a safety precaution.
Do not use small or narrow-mouthed containers, or glass containers such as bottles, flasks, etc., as the product is expansive.
Should you get spray from Cut rock in your eyes, do not rub but wash them immediately with plenty of cold water and consult a doctor.
Cut rock is an alkaline product with a pH value of approximately 13 and could cause severe irritation to mucuous membranes, especially eyes.


Use Cut rock only to cut or demolish rocks and concretes.

Cut rock generates heat once mixed with water:
• unexpected overheating can cause the product to blow out of holes and hot steam to come out;
• Cut rock can overheat if wrong type is used at wrong temperature and the diameter of the hole is larger than is should be or mixing water is too warm.
Once a shot has occurred there may be 3 – 4 other shots out the same hole and in other holes as well. It is then a necessary precaution to stand clear of the filled holes area at this time.

sell cut rock


.) keep every source of heat away from Cut rock
.) do no store Cut rock in direct sunlight or near a source of heat, cool Cut rock before use
.) do not mix into small or narrow-mouthed plastic cans or bowls use instead a metal bucket;
.) cool every tool you are going to use before mixing;
.) use the indicated water amount (1.5 litre for each bag of 5 kg of product);
.) do not use hot water to mix Cut rock
.) mix manually no more than two bags (10 kg) for each batch at a time;
.) mix thoroughly avoiding lump formation for at least 2-3 minutes;
.) If the mortar becomes lightly stiff add a little more water to achieve the right fluidity;
.) pour all freshly mixed mortar into holes within 5 minutes of mixing;
.) do not overfill the holes;
.) do not tamp filled holes with bars or similar tools
.) do not plug holes with hard or setting materials after filling;
.) do not pour Cut rock mortar into glass bottles or similar containers: the pressure will shatter the glass;

.) dispose of non used mortar only after substantial dilution with water on an open surface.

Usage Tips

sell cut rock

The best time to use Cut rock is early in the morning or evening when temperature of material is low.
Cover holes to avoid direct sunlight. Example a tarp to provide shade or wet hay.

Required drill hole and required quantity of CRACK-ROCK

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